
 From WC in Åsele, March 2007. Three medals on three distances.
Born: 17. september 2003 Breed: Mix 43,75% German pointer 25 % Saluki 25 % Pointer 6,25% Greyhound Veight: 28 - 30 kg. Height: 66-67cm. Status: Father of 8 with Dawn, but still available!
About Pluto:
An uncut diamant when I bought him at the age of 15 months. He is starting to get the shape of a diamant, but there are allways something to work on. He is an extremely happy and childish dog who loves to play with like-minded. He got a strong personality, and many will call him a real mamas boy. Most often hyper, but quite and peaceful inside the house. He is a quick learner and enjoys working out. Good capacity, and very strong even though he is not the biggest. Does well in both sprint and longer distances. Fond of the wind, and has nothing against training in tough weather. One of his strongest sides is steep up-hills, and his speed. It's not many who can keep up with him when he goes for it. He is curious, but thinks snowmen and hayballs are overestimated.
En uslepen diamant da jeg fikk ham som 15 mnd. gammel unghund. Har fått slipt ned en del kanter, men er alltids noe å jobbe med. En ekstremt glad og barnslig hund som elsker å leke med likesinnede. Han har en sterk personlighet, og mange vil vel kalle ham en ekte mammadalt. For det meste hyper, men rolig og stille inne i huset. Han lærer fort og er for det meste glad i å trene. God kapasitet. Gjør det bra både i sprint og på lengre distanser. Liker vind, og har ikke noe imot å trene i hardt vær. Han er best på bratte oppoverbakker og kan løpe fra de fleste når han vil. Nysgjerrig, men synes høyballer og snømenn er overvurderte.
Team: Veterinarian - Erik Norum (Granbakken Dyreklinikk) Physiotherapist: Katja Petrell (Ekeberg Dyreklinikk) Chiropraktor: Kristin Halle Trainer: Karoline Conradi Øksnevad
Stamtavle/ Pedigree:
Pluto as a puppy:

More pictures:
 WCh Piandelagotti 2007 - World Champions Venabu 2008, 2. place 10 km. pulka
 Norwegian Ch. 2007 - first gold! WCh 07 - Åsele. ECh 08 - Skellefteå.
 WCh 07 - just finished 15km combined on 3rd place. WCh 07; Individual silver and bronse, and silver in relay.
 Norwegian ch. dryland 2009 Norwegian ch. relay 2008.
 Pluto does everything to get away from swiming.

 WCh dryland, Rastede, Germany
 WCh dryland, Rastede, Germany ECh dryland, Bakonybel, Hungary
 Summer 2008, sunbathing on his favorite place. National team - training camp, june 2008.
 Autumn 2005.
 Holmenkollen 2005. Skåbu 2005